Friday, August 29, 2014

For Malaysian, want to travel in Thailand?

Here's the step..

Border Pass (Malaysia - Thailand)

1. Purpose
This document is issued to Malaysian Citizens and Permanent Residents of Malaysia (Thai origin) residing in the State of Kelantan, Perlis, Kedah or Perak for more than three (3) years.

2. Validity
Six (6) months from the date of issue and valid for multiple journeys. No further extension is allowed.

3. Conditions
  1. Form Imm.92
  2. Particulars of children under 12 years old can be included in either parent's Border Pass
  3. Documentary evidence to show that applicant resides in either of the States mentioned
  4. 2 copies of applicant’s recent photograph (3.5 X 5 cm).

12 years old and over
  1. 2 copies of applicant’s recent photograph (3.5 X 5 cm).
  2. Identification Card (MyKad/Army Identification Card/Police Identification Card or Temporary Certificate (JPN.KPPK 09 or 11)
  3. Permanent Resident Identification Card (Only for Permanent Resident of Thai Origin)
  4. Birth Certificate
  5. Father’s Identification Card
Under 12 years old
  1. 2 copies of applicant’s recent photograph (3.5 X 5 cm).
  2. Birth Certificate
  3. Father’s Identification Card

4. Fees
RM 10.00

Palestinian joy as Israel agrees Gaza truce

Hamas and Israel agree long-term deal which will ease Israeli blockade of enclave after talks brokered by Egypt.

Thousands of Palestinians are celebrating in Gaza after Israel and Palestinian groups agreed an open-ended ceasefire to end seven weeks of fighting in Gaza.

The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, said on Tuesday from the occupied West Bank that a formula had been accepted by all parties and that a ceasefire had gone into effect at 1600 GMT.
He hailed the agreement as a chance to "build a new nation and end the occupation", before thanking Egypt, Qatar and the US for their roles in brokering the agreement made during indirect talks in Cairo.
The Reuters and AP news agencies quoted Israeli officials as saying that the Israeli government had accepted the deal. Israeli media reported the same.
Hamas's exiled deputy leader, Moussa Abu Marzouk, said the agreement was a "victory for the resistance".
Crowds took to the bombed-out streets of Gaza to celebrate the end of hostilities. Many used the v-sign to signify Palestinian victory over Israel.
Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons, reporting from Gaza, said that the deal agreed an immediate easing of Israel's blockade of crossings into Gaza, and a gradual lifting of restrictions on fishing off the coast of the strip.
"The embargo will be lifted and the five border posts will see considerable changes, with the Rafah border crossing opening," he said in reference to the crossing between Egypt and Gaza.
Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland, reporting from West Jerusalem, said discussions on the creation of a seaport and airport would take place in a month "when indirect talks betwen Israel and Palestinians are scheduled to resume".
She noted that local leaders had urged civilians not to return to their homes yet. Local officials also announced that schools would not begin on the first day of September.

Ofir Gendelman, the Israeli prime minister's spokesman on the Arab world, said operations in Gaza were a victory for Israel.

"Hamas gave in and accepted the same Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire it rejected until now. The reason for the change ... air strikes," he said.

Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev told Al Jazeera that the bloodshed could have been "avoided" if Hamas had accepted the July 15 ceasefire agreement.
Several senior Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders made rare public appearances after the truce took hold.
Among them was Mahmud al-Zahar and senior Islamic Jihad official Mohammed al-Hindi.  
The Deal
* A multilateral ceasefire.
* Israel to open more of its Gaza crossings, Egypt to open Rafah.
* The Palestinian Authority to take over Gaza's borders.
* The PA to lead rebuilding efforts.
* Israel to reduce security buffer inside Gaza, from 300m to 100m.
* Israel to extend fishing limit off Gaza's coast from three to six miles, with the possibility of extending it further.

"We're going to build our port and our airport, and if they attack our
port, we will attack theirs and if they attack our airport, we will attack
theirs - again," Zahar said.
"But anyone who attacks the airport will have their airport attacked again."
Raids end
Israeli air raids continued in the run up to the ceasefire on Tuesday, as jets attacked two Gaza City high-rise buildings, collapsing one and severely damaging the other.
One attack levelled the 15-storey Basha tower and severely damaged a 13-storey building known as the Italian complex, which was home to 70 families and dozens of shops and offices.
Palestinian health officials said 20 people were wounded in the Italian complex attack.
In Israel, one civilian was killed and two others were seriously wounded by a mortar round fired from Gaza which hit a kibbutz in the Eshkol regional council area.
A total of 2,142 people, most of them civilians including more than 490 children, have been killed in Gaza since war broke out on July 8. A total of 69 people have been killed on the Israeli side, nearly all of them soldiers.

Kegembiraan Palestin : Israel bersetuju gencatan senjata Gaza

Hamas dan Israel bersetuju perjanjian jangka panjang yang akan meringankan sekatan Israel di enklaf selepas perjanjian itu diaturkan oleh Mesir.

Beribu-ribu rakyat Palestin meraikannya di Gaza selepas Israel dan kumpulan-kumpulan Palestin bersetuju gencatan senjata terbuka untuk menamatkan tujuh minggu pertempuran di Gaza. Presiden Palestin, Mahmoud Abbas, berkata pada hari Selasa lalu dari Tebing Barat , bahawa formula yang telah diterima oleh semua pihak dan gencatan senjata telah berkuat kuasa pada 1600 GMT.

Beliau memuji perjanjian itu sebagai satu peluang untuk "membina sebuah negara baru dan menamatkan pendudukan", sebelum mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Mesir, Qatar dan Amerika Syarikat untuk peranan mereka dalam orang tengah bagi perjanjian yang dibuat semasa rundingan  di Kaherah.
Reuters dan agensi berita AP memetik pegawai Israel sebagai berkata bahawa kerajaan Israel telah menerima perjanjian itu. Media Israel turut melaporkan yang sama. Timbalan pemimpin Hamas dalam buangan, Moussa Abu Marzouk, berkata perjanjian itu adalah "kemenangan rintangan". Orang ramai turun ke jalan  keluar dari Gaza untuk meraikan pengakhiran permusuhan. Banyak yang menggunakan v-tanda untuk menandakan kemenangan Palestin ke atas Israel.

Al Jazeera Andrew Simmons, melaporkan dari Gaza, berkata bahawa perjanjian yang telah dipersetujui menjadi mengurangkan dengan segera kepungan Israel di lintasan ke Gaza, dan secara beransur-ansur mengangkat sekatan ke atas memancing di luar pantai jalur.
"Sekatan itu akan ditarik balik dan lima jawatan sempadan akan menyaksikan perubahan besar, dengan pembukaan sempadan lintasan Rafah," katanya merujuk kepada persimpangan antara Mesir dan Gaza.

Al Jazeera Jacky Rowland, melaporkan dari Baitulmuqaddis Barat, berkata perbincangan mengenai pembentukan sebuah pelabuhan laut dan lapangan terbang akan berlaku dalam satu bulan "apabila rundingan bagi pelupusan hartanah antara Israel dan Palestin dijadualkan untuk menyambung semula".

Beliau berkata pemimpin tempatan telah menggesa orang awam untuk tidak pulang ke rumah mereka lagi. Pegawai-pegawai tempatan juga mengumumkan bahawa sekolah-sekolah tidak akan bermula pada hari pertama bulan September.

Ofir Gendelman, jurucakap Perdana Menteri Israel terhadap dunia Arab, berkata operasi di Gaza merupakan kemenangan bagi Israel. "Hamas mengalah dan menerima cadangan Mesir yang sama untuk gencatan senjata itu ditolak sehingga sekarang. Alasan untuk perubahan ... serangan udara," katanya. Jurucakap kerajaan Israel, Mark Regev memberitahu Al Jazeera bahawa pertumpahan darah mungkin telah "dielakkan" jika Hamas telah menerima perjanjian gencatan senjata 15 Julai.

Beberapa kanan Hamas dan Jihad Islam pemimpin membuat penampilan awam yang jarang berlaku selepas gencatan senjata memegang. Antara mereka ialah Mahmud al-Zahar dan pegawai kanan Jihad Islam Muhammad al-Hindi.

Intipati perjanjian

* Satu gencatan senjata pelbagai hala.
* Israel akan  membuka lebih banyak  lintasan Gaza, Mesir untuk membuka Rafah.
* Pihak Berkuasa Palestin akan mengambil alih sempadan Gaza.
* PA akan memimpin usaha-usaha pembinaan semula.
* Israel akan mengurangkan kawalan keselamatan di Gaza, dari 300m ke 100m.
* Israel akan melanjutkan had menangkap ikan di luar pantai Gaza dari tiga hingga enam batu, dengan kemungkinan memperluaskan lagi.

"Kami akan membina pelabuhan dan lapangan terbang kita, dan jika mereka menyerang kita pelabuhan, kita akan menyerang mereka dan jika mereka menyerang lapangan terbang, kami akan menyerang mereka - sekali lagi, "kata Zahar. "Tetapi sesiapa yang menyerang lapangan terbang itu akan mempunyai lapangan terbang mereka diserang sekali lagi."

Serangan Akhir

Serangan udara Israel yang berterusan dalam jangka masa sehingga gencatan senjata pada hari Selasa, dengan jet menyerang Gaza City dua bangunan tinggi, runtuh satu dan teruk merosakkan yang lain. Satu serangan yang dilemparkan Basha menara 15 tingkat dan rosak teruk sebuah bangunan 13-tingkat yang dikenali sebagai kompleks Itali, yang merupakan rumah kepada 70 keluarga dan berpuluh-puluh kedai dan pejabat. Pegawai kesihatan Palestin berkata 20 orang cedera dalam serangan kompleks Itali.
Di Israel, seorang awam terbunuh dan dua yang lain cedera parah oleh mortar pusingan dipecat dari Gaza yang melanda kibbutz yang di Eshkol kawasan majlis serantau. Seramai 2,142 orang, kebanyakan mereka orang awam termasuk lebih daripada 490 kanak-kanak, telah terbunuh di Gaza sejak perang meletus pada 8 Julai Seramai 69 orang terbunuh di sebelah Israel, hampir semua daripada mereka askar.

Sumber: Al Jazeera dan agensi-agensi


Friday, July 18, 04:15 AM GMT +0800 

Statement by Prime Minister Najib Razak: Malaysian Airlines flight 17

Yesterday evening, I was informed of the terrible and deeply shocking news that a Malaysia Airlines jet went down in eastern Ukraine......continue reading

Stop blaming Malaysia Airlines for downed MH17

No words can take away the great pain that all of us feel for flight MH17. Nothing could have prepared us for what happened on July 17 as much as nothing had prepared us for flight MH370's mysterious disappearance on March 8.
No country, no airline and no one deserves a single or double tragedy that has struck Malaysia Airlines, Malaysia and Malaysians. And those who died or vanished in either MH17 or MH370.
It goes without saying then that we should not add words to deepen the pain in our hearts for these two tragedies. Malaysia Airlines – one of the world's safest carrier – lost 510 passengers, 27 crew member and two planes in the space of 131 days.
But no, some people want to speculate and assign blame immediately to our flag carrier and linking what happened to its lacklustre financial performance. Would any airline try to save fuel and fly over a conflict area?
Several journalists in international magazines and business websites are asking that question. Even the PAS Youth leader is asking why the Malaysia Airlines pilot took a risky route and that MH17 should have followed other commercial planes and flown around Ukraine.
Here's the thing. The route was declared safe above 10,000 metres and MH17 was not operating in restricted airspace, according to a preliminary assessment from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
The Flightglobal website said while eastern Ukraine has been the scene of armed conflict, including attacks on low-flying military transports, IATA stated that the airspace in which the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200ER was flying "was not subject to restrictions".
Why this condescending attitude that it is Malaysia Airlines' fault?
Would it be fine if the pro-Russian separatists' boast that it shot down an AN-26 transport plane was correct? Would it be different if another commercial jet crashed?
“They were the wrong airline in the wrong place at the wrong time,” Vivian Lines, global vice-chairman and crisis-management expert at Hill+Knowlton Strategies in Singapore, told the Wall Street Journal.
But is there ever a right airline, a right place and a right time? Any commercial jet that is brought down by a missile is wrong. It does not matter where.
No one here wants to state the obvious. That the 298 people on board MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on July 17 had nothing to do with the conflict raging 10,000m below them.
Based on American intelligence that says a missile brought down MH17, it is logical to say that the person who ordered or who pulled the trigger to launch a missile had no business aiming it at any plane in the sky.
They don't own the sky. The passengers and crew of MH17 were entitled to a safe flight over Europe or anywhere else in the world. Why blame Malaysia Airlines for using that route when others use it, too?
This is the typical mindset of people who also blame skimpy clothed women for rape cases. The only cause of rape is the rapist, not the victim. So it is with MH17.
Malaysia Airlines' business is to fly people to their destinations. It has suffered so much over the years, due to mismanagement and lopsided deals, but it has given its "MH stands for Malaysian Hospitality" experience to all and sundry.
The flight and cabin crew have done exemplary work, so it is illogical that any of them would take such a risk if they were told of potential dangers flying over Ukraine.
It speaks so much for Malaysia Airlines that MH17 was packed and some had to take another flight to Malaysia and thus saved from the tragedy.
It also speaks much about those who question Malaysia Airlines or Malaysia, just because both performed badly in the MH370 disappearance.
Both events are separate. We still do not know what happened to MH370 but we know what happened to MH17. But in both cases, let us not assign blame to the Malaysia Airlines flight crew without any evidence.
The prime minister is right to say we are united by grief but you know what, we as a country should be united by purpose.
The political bickering since election 2008 and election 2013 must be set aside and the government must run the country as much as some politicians should stop taking the opportunity to score cheap political points.
Perhaps it is true that Malaysian politicians from all sides have a unique ability to put their foot in when opening their mouths. That could explain the PAS Youth leader's appalling and disgusting comments.
We need to nurse Malaysia Airlines back to good health because it carries our flag colours and our name. We need to heal this sick divisiveness in Malaysia and come together to mourn the 298 souls on MH17 and 239 on MH370.
Can we do that? Or are we way past caring and having any empathy? – July 19, 2014.

* Jahabar Sadiq runs The Malaysian Insider.
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